Saturday, July 19, 2014

Ronaldo's mother revealed shocking details from her past!!!

Ronaldo's mother yesterday presented her autobiography "Mother Courage"
in wich she revalded one shocking detail from her past.

Aviero is in her autobiography revalded that she decided to make a mishbirth while
she was pregnant with Cristiano Ronaldo but doctors tried to convince her to not do that.

After that she tried to kill litle Cristiano by drinking alchocol and runing till the last breath
but that didnt prevent a birth of the best player in the world

"I already had 3 children and our family was poor so we couldn't afford one more baby" written by
 Ronaldo's mother. When Ronaldo found out what his mother tried to do he said "Look mum, you wanted
 do to mishbirth and today I take care of our family.

 Ronaldo wasn't on promotion of his mother's book because of his obligations. 

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